The Crew

The Crew
Christina, Matthew, Joshua and Katie Grace XiHua

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Watching the trains in the lobby yesterday at pre-admission check-up

Just arriving in pre-op room

Got my gown on and what could be better than stickers?!

Still smiling!

Dr. Delarosa, my awesome anesthesiologist!

Good morning everyone. Sorry I haven't posted much this week. Believe it or not, the day is here. The day is here, Katie Grace Hua Hua is actually in surgery this morning.

We are at Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando. The Pediatric Heart Team is amazing. A leading team in the nation. She is in good hands. Of course she is in God's hands so he guides the Drs hands so she couldn't be better off!

She is having a very large hole (VSD) repaired, along with a PDA (weak wall) repaired. The PFO (another hole) is being left alone. The main concern is her Severe Pulmonary Hypertension. This should have been taken care of a couple years ago but that was not in the plan for her. Now is her chance.

We were told this morning that they will probably have to keep her sedated and intubated for a few days after surgery due to her lungs. I wan't planning on that, but I know God has the plan in his hands. Pray for her lungs to have an amazing recovery!


  1. Oh Annie, We are praying!!!! We know she is in God's hands and that is a Wonderful place to be:) We just love this little girl who was in the first pictures we got of our little girl:) Praying for peace and patience for you all as you wait as well! Much love, and many Hugs sent your way! Please keep us posted on how she is doing!!!

    Her hair is getting so long! She is SUCH a little doll:) You are just adorable in all your pictures too! Loved your birthday post! What a fun job to have:)

    Blessings to your family just now, and always

  2. I will be thinking of you, I hope everything goes perfect, and those lungs wills tart improving after her surgery.

  3. I'm just catching up with your blog! You know I've been praying! Love to all!


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