The Crew

The Crew
Christina, Matthew, Joshua and Katie Grace XiHua

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some more fun pics and update on bonding.

We have been so busy going in and out of the room on outings and to appointments, it is hard to find time to get onto the computer. When she is taking her nap or has gone to sleep for the night is the time I can get on here for a bit! I wanted to give a quick update on how she is doing and how we are bonding. The first 4 days increased well with lots of hugs and loves by day 4. I though we might be in heaven! But day 5 she woke up and decided she didn’t like me, too much that day, LOL! She wouldn’t hug me or let me carry her or hold my hand. She was just mad I guess and well, that’s ok!! She has the right to be mad sometimes. We had to go out for some appointments and I had to gently convince her (with the help of our guide) that she must hold my hand for safety. Well our first stop was the medical check up which she wasn’t too thrilled about and she threw the first of several tantrums we have had. The tantrum has been set of usually by taking away something that she cant’ have or not letting her do something and results in screaming at the top of her lungs for about 5 -10 minutes and nothing will quell it. I cannot pick her up during it. She doesn’t throw herself down or anything, just stands in one spot, so we just have to let her cry it out. But the Chinese people walking by don’t politely ignore you, they stop and stare, LOL!! Oh well!

Now before you get too worried, in between these moments this little girl is a bundle of joy, is really entertaining, and is doing great! Day 6 and 7 improved, but with a few tantrums and today, day 8 was a really really a great day with no tantrum!! She likes to be carried sometimes, but most of the time prefers to walk and hold my hand. Several times a day she comes and gives me hugs and smiles in my eyes, but other times, I will say, “Can Mama have a hug” and she will shake her head No! He-he! She lets me give her kisses on the cheeks a lot but doesn’t really give me kisses but that is fine. She loves to play baby with her dolls and have me play with her and “fly” her on my legs on the bed! She’s very snuggly at night.

She still won’t let Jacob hold her, but will let him pick her up to push the elevator buttons. Today they made great progress. She fed him noodles with her chopsticks. She laughed when he was blowing bubbles and swimming toward her in the pool. She was tickling his feet when he was napping and he laughed she she loved that. So these were big steps for her with Jacob today!

She HATES the stroller. LOVES the pool. She feeds herself with chopsticks and utensils. Can open and close water bottles and drink from it herself. She goes to the bathroom and wipes herself. (I help her a little although she would probably like to do it alone!) She wears a diaper to bed. She talks a lot and speaks clearly. She has the cutest little munchkin voice! I can’t wait to post video when we get home!! She speaks both Cantonese and Mandarin. She eats and eats and eats and eats!


  1. Sounds like its going great. All normal anyway and thats good. I remember when Maya was little I couldn't wait to hear what her voice would sound like. Now i definetly know and I love it.
    At least they just stare at you there when the child it throwing a tantrum in Guatemala they probably would have tried to take over, they loved to tell you how to do things there.

  2. How sweet to hear how Katie Grace is bonding so well. It's hard to believe that she is so independent! I loved hearing about her beginning to bond with her baba! Slowly yet it's happening!


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