The Crew

The Crew
Christina, Matthew, Joshua and Katie Grace XiHua

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One fav photo I missed...

Dressed for pee-wee football game day, Christina (16) and Hua Hua (3) watching Barney on Mama's bed together. Apparently Christina is remembering her former love for Barney and happy to pass it on to her little mei mei... :)


  1. Barney was Meghan's favorite when she came home. I think it's all the singing and the kids. She's never home when it's on now that she's back in school. How are things going? Please tell me you haven't had any of those control issues that I battled for months.

  2. such a sweet photo. Barney does gag me but kids do seem to like it.

  3. I think the reason why kids love Barney so much is it is big, simple, colorful and exactly what Michele said, kids singing and dancing, simply. That's what kids love. Not a lot of little business. Just big, up close, singing and dancing. She loves it and the songs are so cute and catchy, she already can sing some of the lyrics!

  4. Michele, yes, some of those control issues that you have talked about, but on a smaller (more pliable?) level. I can see how if we had adopted her at 6 and those behaviors had more time to take hold, how difficult it would be. But at 3, she is teachable on a daily basis and every several days, I notice an improvement. There were some days in the first 2 weeks that I was really worried about behavior, thinking, "oh boy, this is not going to be easy". But I could see that she was adjusting once we got home after a few days and saw the changes. I have heard on many a friend's blogs and groups that 6-7 years old seems to be a real challenging age. You are doing an awesome job, Michele!

  5. Oh Annie ..this picture is precious. I also love the interaction between SIerra and all her older brothers. There is nothing like it!!

  6. Awwww. So sweet. My Lauren was a Barney fan as well.


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