I am so excited to hear that 61 Haitian orphans, who were in the process of adoption, were flown to Pennsylvania in the US yesterday and today to receive humanitarian refuge! Also 100 Haitian orphans, in the same situation, were flown to the Netherlands today as well! I thought it would never happen with all of the bureaucracy involved with adoption and immigration in our countries. I read that the children were given visas, while they wait for their paperwork to be completed, so that the would not have to be returned to their devastated country! This beautiful and innocent children were spared! Now many families who were in the process of adopting these children will be able to complete the process with the children in safe hands. Please pray and inquire of your state to reach out to the thousands of other orphanages devastated in the event. There are families ready and willing to adopt the children who are legal orphans here in the US and I imagine in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe as well. I'm not sure how that process or if that process would be possible during this time, but God can do amazing things and move mountains for the good of the innocent!
On a side thought, my last post only spoke of the negative issues in Haiti, and after reading it again, I wanted to state some positive things about the Haitian people. The Haitians I work with are beautiful, smiling, hard working people who are survivors and have a hope in God for their families left behind and for their Nation.
Deut. 10:18 He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.