The Crew

The Crew
Christina, Matthew, Joshua and Katie Grace XiHua

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I am happy to announce that we have Travel Approval for China!! I was trying to be clever this morning and find a T and an A to put in the picture above... let me just tell you to never google images of T and A, LOL!!! Or maybe you'd like to, who knows?? Anyway, we have TA and we are so happy that we are doing the happy dance, and well, mixed in with the slightly nervous dance back and forth, which is an odd combination of moves, but... YAY!!!

We should be traveling the first week of August. Jacob and I will travel only. We will fly into Beijing and spend 2 days there seeing the sights. I thought it would be just a sin to travel all the way to my daughter's home country and not spend a couple days seeing the beauty of it, so we will take 2 days seeing the great wall, Tiananmen Square, the Temples, The Forbidden City, Etc. Then we will go onto Guangzhou where we will literally receive our precious daughter the next day! We spend 12 days in Guangzhou accomplishing various appointments and then fly home. Jacob's parents will be coming to care for the kids during this time, thank you Lord for them!

I don't have our exact departure date, but I believe it might be August 3rd. I will have it very soon though! Keep you posted. Now, off to get A LOT done!


  1. How excited I am for you all!! Have a safe travel, enjoy the country and then the big moment of picking up your precious daughter. I can't wait to see your pictures. Thinking of you!! Love, M xx

  2. Yay Yay Yay!!!! Congrats!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!! Can't wait to meet your new daughter thru your blog. Go pack, repack and pack again. Take and empty suitcause so you can buy lots of stuff for her to have later from her country. Can't wait to hear more! Conratulations again!!!!

  3. Yea!!!! Praise the Lord!!! I can't wait to see your precious daughter in your arms. Enjoy's a fascinating place. I will be praying you home!

  4. I am cracking up that you actually googled T & A. Ahem. Oh the innocence of adoption acronyms!

    YAHOOOOO on your TA!!!! That is sooo great!!!

    I can't wait to follow along!

  5. Yeah! So excited for you guys! Definitely you should see the sights of China and take lots of pictures. God bless and will be praying for you guys and Katie as she transitions to her new home!

  6. YAY!!!! Looking forward to following your journey! Just concentrate on the important things - packing and paperwork. Everything else will wait until you return. And enjoy the trip. We loved every part of ours - a trip of a lifetime, truly!

  7. What a huge blessing! I am super excited for you! Praying now for the transition for you, your family and little Katie Grace! I will definitely be following along as you travel!

  8. This is wonderful news! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more!

  9. WAHOOO!!! Only days away now from bringing your precious one HOME! I'm so excited for you guys! And we also did the Beijing trip for Kaylin's adoption and sooo glad we did as she really enjoys seeing all the pics we took.

  10. Yippeee. I must have chcked your blog right before you posted this...I am soo glad I checked today.

  11. So happy for you! I can not wait to see you with that sweet baby girl!

  12. Yippie! Yippie! Yippie! So excited for you and looking forward to seeing you on the other side of the world. Best Wishes for safe and uneventful travel.


Many hungry children near the boarder of Myanmar and Thailand-click on photo