The Crew

The Crew
Christina, Matthew, Joshua and Katie Grace XiHua

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


After a couple of last minute details and our agency's paperwork approvals, our dossier has been officially sent to Taiwan today! It is a relief to get this first half completely finished. It was nine months ago that we had put in our application for a Thailand adoption which after a couple of months fell through due to that agency closing that program. Since then, we had found a wonderful Taiwan program and in 4 months completed our home study and our stage one dossier. I guess once Taiwan receives the dossier and approves it, we will officially be put on the waiting list. And then the loooong wait begins. We've got plenty of work to do during this waiting period to save up funds for the next payment due at the time of referral. We also hope to learn some Mandarin Chinese during this time, especially if we receive a 2-3 year old who we'll need to communicate with somehow! I can speak Spanish enough to carry a simple conversation and have studied Portuguese a bit too, so I am good with languages that have a Latin root. But this is going to be a whole different ball game and I have no idea if I will accomplish anything that will really work when the time comes!!! Well we've got plenty of time to work on it, that's for sure.


  1. congratulations, thats one big step to get done!

  2. Great Annie!! So happy for you guys that everything is moving on... and well.. Mandarin Chinese that is a huge task... but it can be done! I learned Thai, which has some basics with Chinese, especially the numbers are quite alike. But you have to get the 'ear' for it first I find, once you have that it is a bit easier. But nonetheless a huge task. Good Luck!!


Many hungry children near the boarder of Myanmar and Thailand-click on photo