The Crew

The Crew
Christina, Matthew, Joshua and Katie Grace XiHua

Friday, March 27, 2009


  We received our Thailand dossier packet in the mail today from the agency!  It was a BIG stack of papers.  More than I had imagined.  I waited for Jacob and we opened it together.  We were both excited and nervous!  We just barely had a chance to look through the first 10 pages or so, and we have to leave it as we are going out of town for the weekend.  So, we will be busy over the next month or more reading information, filling out paperwork and documents and getting everything officiated! step closer...


  1. Congratulations!! So good to read that everything so far is going so smooth!!

  2. The paper-chase is ON!!! Looking forward to following your journey!


Many hungry children near the boarder of Myanmar and Thailand-click on photo